According to a New York times/CBS poll, Americans are becoming increasingly critical about the way that Bush is handling the war in Iraq.
Now let me point out here first that when it comes to polls they can be mean many things.
There's one US poll out today fopr example that says terrorism has decreased over the last year (good job Bush) and another one released by the Japanese that says terrorism has increased by 30% (bad job Bush) over the last twelve months so take your pick.
But the poll I'd like to look at is the CBS one above.
And I quote,
'Asked whether the US has done the right thing in taking military action against Iraq, 47% of respondents said that it had, down from 58% a month earlier, and 63% in December' (New York Times).
Now note the words 'done the right thing'.
Acording to the poll 16% of people in the US have changed their minds about whether it was right to invade Iraq and topple Saddam.
What has changed that made them change their minds?
According to Bush and Co this war was never about WMDs - that would have been j(so they say) just a bonus (had they had any).
Neither was it all about oil (so they say).
Nope, it was all about toppling Saddam and bringing democracy to the downtrodden people of Iraq.
Okay fine.
Saddam has been toppled, Iraq's a mess for sure, but may'be democracy will come (how's a completely different question, it's clear that Bush&Co had absolutely no idea what to do once they'd taken Iraq and don't know what to do with it now), certainly not on June 30th but sometime in the next decade or so.
What I want to know is why is it suddenly wrong according to these 16% of people to have invaded Iraq?
Didn't they think this through before they gave their approval?
Did they really believe that everyone would be home by Christmas?
But I'm straying off the point as usual.
Why is it now suddenly wrong to have invaded Iraq?
I'd seriously like to talk to one of these people, it would be fascinating.
Is there anyone out there that thought it was right last December but wrong today?
If so why?
What startling new facts have been revealed to you that made you changed your moral point of view in such a drastic fashion?
From right to wrong.