Published on March 9, 2004 By valleyboyabroad In History

In Florida, the US, there was a protest last week against legislation that makes topless women a criminal act.


Although 1000 women were expected on the march, only 50 actually turned up and were greatly outnumbered by the thousands of, largely male, curious spectators.


Only one of the protestors, the organiser Liz Book, actually removed her top.


She was promptly arrested.


In the US displaying ones chest is a crime for women, but not for men.


Now this is a curious state of affairs, because the male chest is as much a sexual attraction for women as the female chest is for men.


Faces, chests, legs and bums are all part and parcel of sexual attraction.


In Britain, breast feeding in public is frowned upon, special rooms are provided for women to feed their babies.




What is so distressing about seeing a woman doing the most natural thing in the world, feeding her baby?


In most parts of the world, women walk around with their breasts exposed, suckle their young and nobody bats an eyelid.


Why is an ordinary, functional part of a woman¡¯s anatomy treated in such a singular and perverse manner?


One only has to see the reaction to Janet Jackson¡¯s barely exposed breast to realize that there is something seriously wrong with Western culture.


And the same people that protest against a woman¡¯s bare chest are also those that seek to get the viewing certificate for Gibson¡¯s pornographically violent Passion lowered so that their little children can see it.


Violence is okay, but nudity is not.


What sorts of values are these?



Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 14, 2004
if breasts are ever made illegal in Louisiana, there are gonna be some busy damned cops, and some crowded jails...

on Mar 15, 2004
I decide what is decent - And I want to see youthful perky feminine breasts. Often

So we create a new government ministry that decide which women are allowed to show their breasts and which have to cover up.

The Tit police!

I like it!

on Mar 15, 2004

If breasts are illegal, we would have to of course have to take them into custody, photograph and nipple print them.

What if breasts, acting out of their own volition, accidentally peek out?

I suppose a faior judge could recognise this possibility and return the breasts to their owner, but under a restraining order.
Enforced brassiere wearing for repeat offenders.

I think we're on to something here!


on Mar 24, 2004
Dude, that would be crazy! We should try to do something about it.

Capt. over and out! ™
on Oct 02, 2004
Umm, You cannot put going to the bathroom and walking around naked in the same category. There are plenty of reasons NOT to do natures duty in public area's. The first and most major is health concerns. The second would be smell.

Being naked does not equate to unhealthy or smelly.

I currently live in a city where a woman "Can" go topless if she chooses. As long as she is not flaunting herself it is perfectly legal.

Who cares if some big/ugly man/woman is mostly naked. Hate to break it to you. 90% of the population looks like them. Or will by their age.

We are not ALL supermodels.

on Oct 02, 2004

As for torsos, I have long said...

Why would women want a six pack when they could have a KEG?!?


on Oct 02, 2004
I realize this article is old, but I'll say it anyway: breastfeeding in public isn't illegal, not in the U.S. at least. There was a Starbucks case where a worker asked a mother to cover up, not knowing that Starbucks had some sort of policy (imagine that we have to have policies about when moms can feed their kids) allowing it. The mother staged a sit-in and, well, there were a lot of suckling babies at that Starbucks one day. I believe there was a similar incident at a Burger King.

As for Europe, I was pretty traumatized at the age of 10 seeing, not the women topless, but the men wearing Speedos without chagrin. If anything should be illegal, it should be Speedos.

on Oct 04, 2004
Hear hear, Angloesque.....

Speedo's are the scourge of the earth. The powers of the world ought to band together and outlaw the wearing of speedo's. Maybe a mass, speedo burnin' bonfire?

....Honestly, I can't for the life of me, figure out why some people absolutely MUST wear speedo's. I haven't met a woman in my entire life that thought they looked good!
As a man, I seriously don't want to see the size of your "package" paraded for all and sundry on the beach.... You (speedo wearer) are aware that those people pointing at you are actually laughing at you...... aren't you?

...As for the bare-breasted woman ...... I say "HOORAY FOR THE BOOBIES!" <(<(
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