This week in Iraq, a new interim constitution was signed by the US appointed governing council.
However, Ayatlooah Ali al-Sistani has warned that anyone that voted against the Shia dominated theocratical party of El-I-hate-the-great-Satan-America would be mown down, decapitated and stuffed with pork for the infidel dogs that they were.
As the document was being signed, guerillas attacked two police stations in Bagdhad, a council member was gunned down in Mosul, a coalition hotel was hit by rockets and a minibus packed with explosives failed to detonate outside the nearby coalition headquarters.
Paul Bremer, Iraqs American Civil Administrator or dictator, described the day as 'relatively peaceful' considering there were,
'A lot of towel heads out there that didn't seem to understand that they were being liberated for their own fucking good and the preservation of an oil supply to the US.'
Bremer later retracted the statement, removing the reference to supplying oil to the US and pointed out that he owned several towels and was therefore practically an Arab himself.