From the top down, the terrorists can be most effectively combatted by killing their finances.
Money laundering is now the worlds third biggest industry, and in that rotten pile are funds that are made available to support the terrorist networks.
Remember when the US was funding Irish terrorists through NORAID for example?
Britain for years asked the US government to stop this organisation but the US refused.
Better, shared intelligence, and more power and flexibility in freezing cashflow can seriously curtail their operations.
2. Curb Fundamentalist Islam.
A second one is to attack the more virulent Islamic strains, such as Wahhabism, which is taking hold in Saudi Arabia.
And here we the top down and the bottom up approaches to combatting the current waves of terrorism meet in a seamless join.
Most of the terrorism is funded from Saudi.
Yet little is done to concentrate on this nexus of terrorism.
Poverty is appalling in Sausdi, social security none existent. But the Wahhabi madrassas provide things that the state does not; good education, a health service, financial assistance to the poor.
In return for their allegiance and acceptance of the Wahhabi interpretation and subsequent indoctrination.
Saudi Arabia must be encouraged to reform and return the vast amounts of money it earns to helping its poorest people.
This is the source of fundamental Islam, the one that provides the legions of potential terrorist that will do the bidding of bin Laden and the scores of others like him.
3. The future of Iraq.
Iraq must be stabilised as soon as possible. At this moment in time it is in a state of anarchy because of poor military tactics, especially the current 'garrison strategy' designed to minimalise US troop casualties in the run up to the US elections. This cynical ploy must be reversed and more troops should be sent to secure the country. The US must provide a bare minimum of security that it currently does not, before relief agencies and organisations like the UN can operate to ensure that free and fair elections can be held.
4. The future of Afghanistan.
With Kabul and only one or two other places secure, Afghanistan remains much as it always has done, dominated by warlords vying for power. Afghanistan will remain the Mecca for terrorist organisations to flourish within while it remains in its current anarchic state. The capture of Osama bin Laden will achieve little other than a pyhrric victory unless this country is secured.
5. The future of Palestine/Israel.
The big one. It all starts and ends in Jerusalem, and it is clear that Israel and Paletine are incapable of solving this problem out for themselves.
But with terrorists mudering innocent Israelis every other day, and the Israeli army murdering innocent Palestinians every other day, the situation cannot be allowed to continue.
The US must start to cut the purse strings that tie it to Israel and use its influence to bring both to the table.
The objective should be clear, a viable economic and secure state for both Israel and Palestine.
The US is the only power with any leverage in this region, and it should now use this power to impose a solutions.