The reason that people cling to religeon is because it is the one constancy in their lives.
Secularity cannot provide this, because secularity begets human institutions and is therefore corrupt.
Everything human is corrupt, no matter its noble aim.
No human institutions can be pure.
We can concieve of purity, we can imagine Utopia, but we cannot bring it about, deem it to be so.
We are imperfect and so each and every action, invention or institution that we concieve of is doomed to reflect those imperfections.
So why do we bother?
Why do we struggle for ultimate good?
All that religeon does is promise us some future abstract notion of a deliverance from pain and suffering.
Religeons merely reflect what we can imagine, promising us a life free of pain, intolerance and the ultimate ignominy, death.
If we can imagine a perfection, then why can't we achieve it?